Calcium Phosphate Tribasic / 4 Ounce Bottle / 99.9% Pure ACS Reagent Grade/Fine Powder/USA


Price Per Absorbed Gram: 4.6608


Calcium Deficiency can Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is more common in older adults, especially women, after menopause when the body's production of estrogen decreases, which can lead to a decrease in bone density. Adequate calcium intake, along with regular physical activity and weight-bearing exercises, can help to prevent osteoporosis. Adequate calcium intake is particularly important during childhood and adolescence when bones are growing and developing. During this time, the body is building up its bone mass, and a lack of calcium can lead to a lower peak bone mass, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Calcium Plays an Important Role in Blood Clotting

When a blood vessel is injured, platelets gather at the site of injury and release chemical signals that activate the clotting cascade. Calcium ions are needed to activate the clotting factors and enzymes that are necessary to produce a clot. It's also important to mention that some medications such as blood thinners, may interact with calcium and affect blood clotting. consult a healthcare professional before taking calcium supplements if you are on a blood thinner.

Calcium and Iron Can Interact and Negatively Affect the Absorption of Each Other

This is because calcium and iron (and Zinc) compete for the same absorption sites in the gut, and when there is a high level of calcium present, it can reduce the amount of iron that is absorbed. To minimize the interaction between calcium and iron, it is recommended to take them at different times of the day, with a gap of 2-3 hours in between. It's also recommended to take iron supplements on an empty stomach, as food can also interfere with iron absorption

Recommended Dietary Allowance

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is “the amount of an essential nutrient, as a vitamin or mineral, that has been established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences as adequate to meet the average daily nutritional needs of most healthy persons according to age group and sex.” –-
We used the RDA for calcium from the National Institutes of Health – Office of Dietary Supplements listed below.

AgeMale Daily
0-6 months200 mg
7-12 months260 mg
1-3 years700 mg
4-8 years1,000 mg
9-18 years1,300 mg
19-50 years1,000 mg
51-70 years1,000 mg
71+ years1,200 mg

AgeFemale Daily
0-6 months200 mg
7-12 months260 mg
1-3 years700 mg
4-8 years1,000 mg
9-18 years1,300 mg
19-50 years1,000 mg
51+ years1,200 mg

Life StateAgeRDA
Pregnancy13-19 years1,300 mg
Pregnancy20+ years1,000 mg
Breast-Feeding13-19 years1,300 mg
Breast-Feeding20+ years1,000 mg

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